To the person who…

Competes with no one 

Has impeccably refined taste
is here to create worlds, not destroy them


knows you are meant to live a wildly illogical life

has been called picky, specific, overly idealistic, intense, or too much

Feels like your ability to perceive detail, subtlety, and nuance borders on slightly neurotic

Knows Heaven on Earth, the Kingdom of God, and the Garden of Eden are here Now and are realms we enter by our own capacity to remember and meet them within us 

Is devoted or desires to be devoted to the union of inner and outer wealth

Has or is reclaiming your soul’s pure desire to experience the abundance of density and the limitless abundance of the Divine Human experience 

Is interested in deepening self-sourced power, energetic sovereignty, and becoming vibrationally unf*ckwithable 

Has high standards and desires to embody them in a clear and grounded way 

This journey is a love letter to the limitless potential of who you came here to Be, the illusory ceilings you came here to shatter, and the gardens you came here to grow. 

Welcome to

Energetic Mastery for Excellence

For as long as I can remember I have been a person with irrevocably high standards.

After years of sorting through how much of this is authentic to me and how much isn’t, I’ve come to find that high standards are not something I can dissolve, but rather, are an essential part of my makeup. 

In my relationship to self, my path, and the creator 
In my relationship to energy
In my relationships to others 
In my relationship to money, resources, and wealth 
In my relationship to vision, purpose, creation, and mission
In my relationship to the practicalities  and energetics of business 

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere efforts, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”

- Aristotle

Over a lifetime of working with and learning from the blessing or the curse that is immense idealism and impeccably high standards, I have learned a few things. 

When you carry Gold Standards, they cannot be shamed or guilted away, you cannot collapse behind them, and you cannot project and push them onto others. 

This is a gold-sealed invitation into a journey of unwavering devotion and commitment to the practice of energetic mastery that transforms having consistently unmet high standards into becoming the living breathing embodiment of them.

This is the container in which you decide that your existence will be your greatest work of art and purest offering.

As you become your standards, you are no longer pining for them to manifest or match you.

Gracefully, powerfully, and consistently show up for the practice of embodying them

everything changes

Yet, when you know how to

standards are sexy

 There were many points on my journey when I had judgment towards others who I later came to see were simply people who embodied and carried higher standards than I had at the time. Underneath that judgment was a desire to move, live, and carry myself in a more refined way. To unapologetically live a prosperous life. To be willing to play a bigger game with myself and my reality. This is an investment into clearing any judgment, shame, or guilt that tells you it’s not safe, not allowed, and not meant for you. 

Enter the Palace

You are the golden magnet that trusts in what can’t be seen.

You are the living union of energetic and practical excellence. 

You are the tuning fork people desire to entrain to.

You exist in a realm of your own.

You play a game and live in a reality that defies sense.

Your field creates worlds. 

high standards are of high service

―Israelmore Ayivor

“A person with low standards will forever be walking. A person with high standards will soon stop walking and start running. Later, they’ll soon stop running and start galloping. The next time you see him, they’re either flying or soaring.” 

Standards birth at the intersection of worthiness and confidence. 
They ask that you show up for yourself and life, fully. 
They ask that you commit to the power of your incarnation. 

In my world, high standards are of high service. When you clearly embody them your life becomes a living work of art that defies sense, illuminates what’s possible, and offers forth endless opportunities for deepening, refinement, and integration. 

We will explore, learn from, and integrate the energetics of clear loving standards that not only serve you and your path – but are an offering to all of Life. 

This is the practice of claiming the standards we desire to embody and then showing up for what is and meeting it authentically from wherever we are in that moment with whatever capacity, skillfulness, and grace we have. Each situation offers feedback. We take that feedback as valuable information in order to learn about ourselves and our current standards in present time. We work with whatever belongs to us and observe as reality morphs to meet us and reflect back Gold Standards. 

This is not about being perfect, doing things perfectly, or needing the external to be perfect. 

This offering is ultimately rooted in the commitment to the human practice or, to who you Be. In Gold Standard(s) we will go on a non-linear journey of showing up fully for whatever teachings, clearings, transformations, integrations, and recalibrations the standards you are working with offer you. We will journey through a spectrum of powerful foundations to subtle refinements of energetic and practical standards that have the power to transform your existence. 

Pure-hearted, sensitive, intuitive, mystically-inclined humans are not doing anyone any favors by refusing to root into deeper power and rise up to higher standards. Pure reality creation requires self-sourced power and self-sourced power is the fertile soil from which high standards bloom. 

There is a reality available in which you claim the immense gifts of density, the power of your incarnation, and the limitless potential of the Divine Human experience in a clean way that not only feels good in your system but creates larger access to the template for those in your impact field and beyond. 

Old timelines do not have to collapse for new ones to be constructed. There is a reality available in which your standards do not separate you from being on Earth and the realities of the world, but rather, provide you with access to more life force, awareness, and tools to both interact with life (as it is) skillfully and feed the reality you desire to see. 

I am here to offer you a different way. 

All of the aforementioned examples ultimately limit a healthy relationship to personal power and thus, embodied standards.

We have those who feel entitled, rather than worthy, and seek to feed that entitlement through pushing, forcing, and projecting their standards onto people. Rather than asking who in me wants this, they are caught in loops of chasing the false self’s desires attempting to fill core wounding. 

We have overly simplified and overly complex spirituality timelines which equate to normalizing things like subtle and pervasive division, weak boundaries, lack of connection to the physical, and general disorganization within one's field. 

we have those who are afraid to have high standards and big desires for their life because they are mired in shame, guilt, and confusion around their privilege, the injustices taking place in the world, and their desire to be a good human.

When I peer into the field of standards I see that...


This journey is for those who are ready and desire to

- take responsibility for yourself and your reality creation
- deepen and expand your capacity to track and read energy relevant to you 
- cultivate clear, coherent, and fulfilling relationships to self, others, money, work, and creation 
- clear unsupportive inherited relationships to standards 
- raise your standards in tune with your own capacity
- purify your system of foreign energy 
- trust in a nonsensical nonlinear experience held within a strong container 
- show up for the moment-to-moment human practice of meeting any work that belongs to you
- release needing validation, sight, and understanding from finite sources to exist authentically 
- claim your soul’s pure and true desire to experience the power of this incarnation and the gifts of density 
- explore, install, and refine confidence, self-sourced power, and energetic sovereignty templates 
- make your existence your greatest offering 
- co-create Eden on Earth 

We ask that you do not participate in this journey if you are not willing to explore, work, and play in any of the aforementioned energies. Pilar’s containers are not for everyone and that is by design. We welcome willingness, receptivity, and a beginner’s mind as allies, ‘triggers’ as portals for integration, dissonance as a way to find your own unique perceptions and truth, and personal responsibility and sovereignty as structuring forces. If this feels resonant with you, we’d love to have you. 

Self-sourced power, showing up for yourself, holding, no matter what, knowing what belongs to you, minding your own business, receiving clear reflections, energy as currency, aligned use of life force, and more. 

Module 1

Releasing safety mechanisms like people-pleasing and codependency, dissolving fantasy relationships, making peace with resonance and dissonance, present-time relating, encoded boundaries, balanced energy exchange, and more.

Module 2

Dissolving enmeshment with predominant paradigms around money and wealth, installing your unique money and wealth templates, tending the energy of money, claiming true desires for opulence, linking inner riches to the outer, becoming your best investment, and more.

Module 3

Value, evolving your identity, your word is your wand, the embodied no, being sought after, respected, and enchanting, staying in your own lane, becoming an instrument, divine order, timing, and orchestration, and more. 

Module 4

Standards in relationship to Self

Standards in relationships to others

Standards in relationship to money and resources

Standards in relationship to work and business


context & Mechanics of Standards

What is Included

one 1-hour intro training 

three Q&A integration calls

Access to all call replays

Guided meditations, energy work  practice, and journal prompts to pair with the trainings

four  2-hour trainings 

lifetime access

Beyond that, I am a human devoted to the practice of embodying Gold Standards. 

My name is Pilar Marie Lesko and I am a vessel.

I have spent many years sifting through personal and collective energies of entitlement, idealism, selfishness, privilege, perfectionism, power, control, success, money, wealth, and more in service to understanding where my standards came from, what aspects of them were authentic, and how to embody them in a way that felt clean, clear, and grounded. 

On the other side of this ongoing exploration, I have come to realize that Gold Standards are in fact a part of my design. My ongoing practice of not only working honestly with but respecting and honoring my standards has allowed me to co-create a wildly illogical and oftentimes, unexplainable life.   

There is something intoxicating about witnessing someone who cleanly embodies Gold Standards that initiates a reminder in your own spirit of what’s possible in the gift of incarnation. Allow this journey to be that reminder for you. 


“Pilar is the complete embodiment of being fully human and fully divine. Being in her energy field was like dancing in a field of daffodils and swimming in a current of honey. To be able to interact with someone who is just as present in everyday modern human life as they are rooted in ancient esoteric mysteries and teachings is such a privilege, completely eye-opening, and otherworldly.
Pilar has a way of guiding you to see your imperfections and your wholeness and experiencing it all as sacred. She is a sea of paradox--subtle and powerful, playful and serious, child-like and wise. Working with Pilar was a gift and a God-send, and has been the best investment I've ever made.”


“I can say with a great deal of awe and gratitude that my time with Pilar was in fact one of the best investments I’ve made in my life (and I’ve made quite a few). How she came to me felt divinely guided, as a result of me listening to my own body and guides, and I am so happy I followed those intuitive nudges that came from a place of trust and real resonance. She was able to help me with things that I had been stuck on for literally YEARS.
She helped me understand complicated things in a way that no one else has been able to do. She has modeled for me what is possible in the most LIBERATING of ways, which in and of itself is an invaluable gift. She awakened a deeper power in me that I could not previously tap into. She’s helped me open up my eyes to a clearer way of seeing and a more sovereign way of Being. She’s helped give me language and context for things I knew but could not express or pinpoint. She always knew the right thing to say that would help me get out of my own way, gave me the right “assignments” to help me clear my blocks, or the right perspective I needed to have those oh-so delicious “a-ha” moments. I came to her because I wanted support in my business, but, of course, we ended up covering the gamut of LIFE, because there is no separation, and there wasn’t anything that she wasn’t able to give me helpful guidance on. The breath of her ability/skill never ceased to impress me.
I want to give a specific example of what I “got” out of our time together. Pilar helped me develop an authentic knowing and confidence in myself as a healer and a guide that I struggled to feel for YEARS. To be clear, this was no small feat. I was not new to personal work and my career and I wasn’t struggling simply because I was inexperienced or new to the game. I was already advanced along the path, but the doubt I carried with me ran DEEP, it was a soul-wound, and prior to working with Pilar, I carried that with me no matter how much positive of feedback I got from the world, how many courses I took or therapists/healers I went to. Since working with Pilar, something within me has shifted and shedded in a very profound way. I feel a sense of clarity, self-understanding, embodiment, KNOWING and ease that I was always looking for, but could not cultivate previously. This kind of change, for me, is priceless. The point isn’t just that Pilar helped me with something I wasn’t able to unblock before. The point is this is the kind of transformation that may be available to you if you are an energetic match for this work, and if you show up open, humble and receptive.
Another thing worth noting- Anyone who knows me knows that I am a logical, practical capricorn in many ways, and the airy-fairy cliches I see in the “spiritual” world often make me roll my eyes. Pilar is not that. She keeps it real and can go DEEP into the esoteric (which I love :) but she’ll always ground it in reality in a way that MAKES SENSE and is applicable to your everyday life. A word for the skeptics, Pilar is the real fucking deal.”


“My container with Pilar was truly divinely orchestrated, and the endless outcome of our extraordinary time together has been nothing less than a complete shift in reality. Entering into Pilar's energetic space and surrendering myself to the majesty of the experience was an initiation into awareness of dimensions that were eager for my attention and recognition, that Pilar's inimitable energy enabled me to access and hold within myself through the strength of her brilliant light and infinitely compassionate support. You will not Be in the same world after working with Pilar; the power of her container to shift the totality of one's experience is unparalleled.

Most of all, Pilar's container finally accomplished what years of metaphysical wandering, guru-dependence, and personal development obsession could not: reconnection to my own channel, my own source, my own Self. Not through rigid meditation practices, daily routines, or outsourcing my power to ritual; no, the connection to mySelf that I own now is sustained entirely from within. Pilar's container was like a waterfall cleansing my authenticity of everything outdated and revealing the clarity of who I Am: a self/Self remarkably similar to the child I had abandoned in order to grasp desperately for external success, but stronger, more resilient, sustained by my own approval and finally trusting the higher orchestration of my life.

I am eternally grateful to Pilar for the homecoming her container welcomed into my experience, and I would recommend any curious hearts seriously consider the possibility of working one-on-one with Pilar if called. You won't regret it!”


“Working with Pilar both in one-on-one sessions and through Projector Magic has completely transformed me in body, mind, and spirit. Her presence is so light and joy-filled and just being in her energy and her container of support allowed me to bring forward these qualities in myself and begin relating to my life and everything in it with softness, flow, and authenticity. I’ve never worked with a guide and mentor who is so utterly sovereign in her being and whose energy is so clean and clear. As a result, I felt so comfortable sharing anything and everything with Pilar and releasing the shame and heaviness I was carrying around certain aspects of my life. Not to mention, that all this was done with such ease and lightness of being.
Pilar held such a solid reflection of my highest self for me throughout our container, always seeing me as the fullest expression of my soul and being such a champion for my heartfelt desires and dreams that so often I would get off our calls to find synchronicities and manifestations had occurred simply as a result of our conversation. I will cherish the channelings and teachings Pilar has shared forever as they are timeless feasts of wisdom and so alive with truth.
Pilar is an oracle unlike any other I have encountered and so accessible, grounded, and real at the same time - something rare to find in the spiritual community at this time. I am so grateful that Pilar appeared on my path and that I took the leap in saying yes to going on this journey of self-discovery with her. It was beyond what I could have ever imagined.”

Client Love


You compete with no one, you have nothing to prove, and you are completely fine with not being for, understood, and desired by everyone. You are anchored in your innate worthiness, you know the value of your energy, you deeply respect yourself and what you offer, and through that – others do too. 

I have found that when you are committed to embodying high standards your field becomes like ancient royalty. 

pay in full

3 monthly payments of $370

is there anyway to receive more information?

is there anyway to receive more information?

You may sign up for 7 email transmissions here.

When  does the    program   begin?

When does the    program begin?


When will you run gold standards again?

When will you run gold standards again?


What is your  refund policy?

What is your refund policy?

Due to the nature of this offering, the program is final sale. Please make an embodied and clear decision and review our terms and conditions

is this course just for  entrepreneurs?

is this course just for entrepreneurs?

No. Though the business and money modules will have references to entrepreneurship, this program is for anyone who feels the call to work with higher standards in all areas of life. 

how long do i have access?

how long do i have access?

you will have Lifetime ACCESS! 

any other questions?

any other questions?

Email us at

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